Zamioculcas zamiifolia 'Raven' | ZZ Plant
14cm pot / approx. 45cm height
Not bothered by light as long as it's not direct sun
Drought tolerant! Water once a month
Diva Scale
Couldn't be less of a diva if it tried

Did you know...?
Talk about rock ‘n’ roll, this ZZ variety produces green leaves that turn black!
Not only is the ZZ plant not bothered about the amount of light it receives, it only requires watering once a month! All the way from Africa, this plant has developed a way to store water below the soil in bulbs to get it through tricky times, which makes it a very drought-tolerant plant!
Not only is the ZZ plant not bothered about the amount of light it receives, it only requires watering once a month! All the way from Africa, this plant has developed a way to store water below the soil in bulbs to get it through tricky times, which makes it a very drought-tolerant plant!