Philodendron melanochrysum | Black Gold Philodendron

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  • Measurements

    14cm pot / approx. 60cm height

  • Light

    Bright indirect light

  • Watering

    Water when the top few inches feel dry, you can allow this plant to dry out more in the winter as it's very susceptible to issue if over watered.

  • Diva Scale

    Philodendrons generally behave well

Philodendron melanochrysum | Black Gold Philodendron
Philodendron melanochrysum | Black Gold Philodendron
Philodendron melanochrysum | Black Gold Philodendron
Philodendron melanochrysum | Black Gold Philodendron
Philodendron melanochrysum | Black Gold Philodendron
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Did you know...?

The melanochrysum is another popular philodendron popping up in everybody's collection. Its large velvety foliage start off with a beautiful golden colour, as it matures turning into a dark green, hence the nickname 'black gold philodendron.

Bright indirect light is ideal for this plant, any midday sun rays will be too harsh but filtered evening sunshine. If not enough light is received then you can expect slower, stretched out growth. To ensure the plant takes in all the light it needs, dust the leaves with a dry microfiber cloth or paint brush, the velvety texture doesn't enjoy having water droplets on them so don't be tempted to mist or use a wet cloth when dusting.

When watering you may let the top couple of inches to dry out during the warmer months, allow more of the soil to dry out in the colder months. Philodendrons hate cold draughts, if exposed to temperature drops you may have curling, yellowing of leaves dropping off.

After you find the best spot at home for this plant, it will be quite the show stopper within your collection.
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